New stories matter!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Local Theater Company
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Support Local Theater Company in discovering, developing, and producing the next great play!


raised by 5 people

$1,000 goal

On January 28, 2015, I auditioned for a role in the Local Lab reading of Meredith Friedman's Firestorm.  Rachel Fowler was directing, and behind the table were Pesha Rudnick, Mare Trevathan, and casting director Sylvia Gregory.  I had attended Local Theater shows, but now was my opportunity to become part of the premiere new play development company in Colorado.  I was excited and nervous.

I got the part.  This led me into my first Local Lab.  I loved being part of the development of this incredible play, and I loved meeting actors and patrons who loved new work like I did.

Now, almost 10 years later, I'm one of the Co-Artistic Directors of Local Theater Company.  I get to help select compelling stories. I get to direct gorgeous new work, and I get to act too!  Bringing Faith to life this year was one of the highlights of 2024.

If you love vibrant storytelling like Undone: The Lady M Project, You enjoy myself, acts of faith, Raised on Ronstadt, Stockade, or the upcoming Chasing Breadcrumbs, I hope you'll consider donating to Local Theater Company. We discover, develop, and produce new work that tells the stories of our evolving world.  We are risk takers. We are perpetually curious. We are open hearted and welcome you sincerely into the theatre and into our lives.

Stories help us make sense of the world around us. Join us in helping bring to life essential stories that need to be told!

This fundraiser supports

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Local Theater Company

Organized By BETTY HART

Giving Activity


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