Little Raven Elementary School 2023

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Littleton Public Schools Foundation
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Your generosity helps students harness the power of technology, engage in creative play, and more!


raised by 8 people

$3,000 goal

Now that our inaugural group of Thunderbolts have settled into their amazing new space, the Little Raven PTO seeks your support to further enhance and enliven their opportunities for learning and play.

Make your tax-deductible contribution by December 31, 2023 to help us stay charged up!

Our highest priority purchases with 2023 Colorado Gives campaign funds are:

  1. Technological learning aids. We'll purchase tablets for use in music class and cafeterium activities. 
  2. Creative play supplies for indoor recess. We'd rather be outside, but sometimes the weather has different plans. For those days, we need a stockpile of building sets, art supplies, and other indoor essentials to mimic recess vibes.

Any additional funds remaining after the priority purchases above will be used to support teacher grants and field trips for students.

We sincerely appreciate your generosity and ongoing contributions to our Little Raven Community.

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For more information about Little Raven Elementary School, visit:

Little Raven Elementary

Little Raven PTO

This fundraiser supports

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Littleton Public Schools Foundation

Organized By Dan Nally

Giving Activity


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