Make a difference for the Eagle River Valley
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Eagle River CoalitionEver since I was little, this place felt like home. Help me protect the local rivers we rely on.
raised by 1 people
$25,000 goal
You might know this already, but I'm on the staff at Eagle River Watershed Council. When people ask what we do, I tell them that we are the nonprofit that protects local waterways, and that we do this through water quality monitoring, conservation education, restoration projects, and advocacy.
I'm really proud of the impact our organization has in this headwaters community. Donors, volunteers, and sponsors join our mission for many reasons (from a love for the environment, to a desire to give back, to concern for our future), but what we all have in common is that we know that rivers and streams make life possible here. They make this place home.
My personal connection with the Eagle River Valley began when I was about 4 years old and first visited. Since that first visit, part of my heart has always considered the valley home. It's an honor to work alongside my colleagues and our board of directors to protect the resources the river provides.
In 2024, the Watershed Council will be engaging in additional critical restoration projects that will reconnect incised river channels and disconnected floodplains. We'll install low-tech process-based solutions to improve water quality, wetland habitats, and biodiversity. An added bonus of this work is that it can buffer against wildfire, which is a very real threat in our communities.
We will also continue to invest in the Beyond Lawn program, which is a collaborative effort to reduce nonfunctional turf and irrigation needs locally. So far, the program has deployed 30+ reduced-cost rain barrels, hosted DIY landscape conversion workshops, and we're working on a waterwise demo garden as well.
Like our other important legacy programs (such as the longstanding Water Quality Monitoring & Assessment Program and more), these cleanups will not be going away, despite all the other work we are planning for next year.
There's a crucial need for a lot of work to take place in community outreach and restoration projects, and this work has increased our budget for 2024. We are reaching out to our communities to offer the opportunity to support our work and to become a donor or renew your year-end gift this giving season.
It would mean a lot to me if you would consider joining me in the Watershed Council's mission with a one-time or recurring donation.
Sincere thanks,