9 News Word of Thanks

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Sun Valley Youth Center

Your donation helps a child in Denver's Sun Valley neighborhood have a brighter future!


raised by 413 people

$50,000 goal

Every child deserves the chance the be amazing, to have the opportunity to be their best self. 

Since 1998, The Sun Valley Youth Center has been transforming the lives of youth living in Sun Valley, Denver's lowest-income neighborhood. Your donation helps a child in Sun Valley have access to out-of-school time, trauma-informed programming including: 

  • A safe space with trusted adults in their community. 
  • A place to learn good habits and life skills through mindfulness, recreation, art, and tutoring.
  • Healthy meals and snacks.
  • Field trips to experience a worldview larger than Sun Valley.
  • An opportunity to explore their gifts and talents so they can be their best self now and into the future.
  • After school programming when school is in session and full-day programming during DPS planning days, holiday breaks, and summertime. 

Your gift will change the life of a child and support all of the great work of The Sun Valley Youth Center. 

Thank you!!!

Thank you!

This fundraiser supports

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Sun Valley Youth Center

Organized By Lara Galante

Giving Activity


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