No Kill Colorado Legislative and Legal Fund

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

No Kill Colorado
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There are many stories of poor policies and choices, by shelters to kill healthy and treatable pets

6 donors

raised $217

1,000 donor goal

In Colorado, there is no law stopping a shelter from killing any animal for any reason.  A very small number of animals that enter the shelter are untreatable and candidates for euthanasia.  But thousands of healthy and treatable homeless pets are killed each year.

We can save animals whose lives are lost to poor policies or lack of an advocate to stand up for them.

Through advocacy, online networking, letter writing, and calling our elected officials and shelter management, No Kill Colorado has saved some.  But we lose too many.

We are starting a fund to use the law on our side to stop shelter killing when logic and compassion do not work.

Please help us help animals in need when regressive shelters make end-of-life decisions simply for convenience.

Echo's Story 

When they made the difficult decision to find him a new home due to their schedule (they own a year-old tree business called Tree Cycle that has them working long hours) the couple was assured by staff with whom they met that if the shelter couldn’t find Echo a new home that they could have him back rather than see him put down. Echo was killed by the shelter even though he had a family ready to take him back, a trainer ready to help with any issues the shelter indicated and a rescue ready to rehabilitate him.

Echo's life was taken by the shelter.

No Kill Colorado did not have the resource to fight for Echo as we wish we would have.  It's animals like Echo that we have to fight for every time.

Watson's Story

Watson was sleeping when the family toddler fell on him.  He reacted and bit a child.  The family relinquished him with the agreement they could send him to a rescue after the shelter held him for 10 days. When a rescue was found, the shelter refused to release Watson.

A community movement ultimately gained Watson's freedom, but it was touch and go until the last minute.  We did get him to a rescue but only because of comprehensive and continued pressure on a shelter that had been planning on a death sentence.

No Kill Colorado was proud to be one of several organizations that rallied to save Watson with the community

Zion's story

Zion got into some scuffles.  Because he is a large dog they are likely scared for people and he had to go to court.  His cases were dismissed.

When his dad was walking him one night, he slipped and fell and let go of Zion's leach.  Zion got into another scuffle but there were NO INJURIES.

Shortly after his Dad died before the case came up.  Zion's mom still had a case she had to address and Zion was impounded.  She has appealed several times while working through the legal system, but Zion is being held AS BOND.

He entered in November 2022 and is still there as of today in August of 2023.  He has not been allowed to see his Mom (even though she has to pay to board) and even the lawyer advocating for him cannot get any information from the shelter or the Colorado community demanding he be held.

Animal Law Firm is supporting the Animal Law Firm advocating for Zion's safe release.

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