Capturing Rainwater in villages in India
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Fort Collins Rotary After WorkWater sustains life. Help us rebuild systems to capture and store rainwater in villages in India.
raised by 2 people
$1,450 goal
Water is essential for life. The 3,500 villagers in Gundalwadi Village and the nearby tribal Thakar community near Pune, India need more water. During the rainy season canals feeding the area are full. Agriculture thrives and the living is good (if wet!). Yet, within a couple of months of the end of the rainy season the canals dry out, villagers have to resort to well water, and crops begin to suffer. During the dry season, the wells often run dry.
Fort Collins Rotary After Work is helping to fund and build the Gundalwadi dam that will restore recharge of wells and storage systems. This will provide adequate water resources for villagers and their agriculture throughout the year.
Construction is currently halted during the rainy season as seen in the image above. This is a view of the work during construction.