Support Environmental Education in NW Colorado

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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raised by 2 people

Recently someone told me that what earns you the coveted title of "local" is not how long you have lived in a place, but whether you give back more than you take.

If you live or spend time in Northwest Colorado you know that our natural environment is what makes this place so special and that a shared fondness for this landscape is what bonds us together.

Yampatika works to ensure residents and visitors have a strong understanding of how these natural systems work. In so doing, we foster a connection to places and establish a community of stewards (of all ages) who are motivated to take care of our landscape. Without understanding how these systems work we run the risk of loving our favorite places to death and compromising the health of these special places.

I invite you to be a local and join our community of stewards by supporting Yampatika and our work to provide youth and community environmental education throughout Northwest Colorado.

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