Safe & Abundant Nutrition Alliance
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Trailhead InstituteThis project takes community-based solutions into action to remove barriers to healthy food access at community food sites.
raised by 7 people
$10,000 goal
Safe & Abundant Nutrition Alliance (SANA) seeks to eradicate food insecurity in the Roaring Fork and Colorado River Valleys. Vision: A community in which access to sufficient affordable and healthy food is not a barrier to an individual or family's ability to lead happy and healthy lives. We:
1. Engage people in local communities to develop local solutions to increasing access.
2. Increase local collaboration for coordinated and comprehensive solutions, building on the current, successful Feeding Colorado and food pantry distribution systems statewide.
3. Increase partnerships between Federal/State Nutrition program organizations, prepared food-producing entities (e.g., hospitals, universities, schools, senior centers and restaurants) and nonprofit food distribution sites to increase available food.
4. Maximize transportation supports and sustainable community access points to reduce food access barriers in underserved communities.
5. Promote community- and consumer-driven models that effectively connect people with nutritious food resources and integrates their leadership into policy and systems improvements.
6. Develop public awareness and community engagement methods for local hunger solutions.