Support Growing Gardens Through Sarah Kell

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Growing Gardens of Boulder County
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Empowering people of all ages, income levels, and abilities by reconnecting them with their food.

5 donors

raised $335

15 donor goal

Hello! I am the Boulder Farm Manager at Growing Gardens, and I am so grateful to be able to work for this wonderful organization and grow food for our community!

Growing Gardens has become a nationally recognized leader in sustainable urban agriculture and education programs and has connected more than 199,000 people to their food, the land, and each other since 1998.

Growing Gardens' programs empower people of all ages, income levels, and abilities by reconnecting them with their local food systems and teaching gardening, cooking, and nutrition education.

Every year over 20,000 pounds of produce, as well as 20,000 plant seedlings and seeds, are donated to low income community members to impart greater food security and hunger relief in our community.

I hope you will join me in supporting the great work of Growing Gardens this holiday season. Thank you!


$25 Produce for kids to take after a classroom visit

$50 School Day Off scholarship for one child

$100 Supplies for Peace Garden cooking class

$350 Summer Camp scholarship for one child

$500 Field Trip scholarship for one grade level

Did you know? Your donation qualifies for the Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit. Colorado taxpayers who make a monetary contribution to promote child care in Colorado may claim an income tax credit of 50% of their total contribution.

This fundraiser supports

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Growing Gardens of Boulder County

Organized By Sarah Kell

Giving Activity


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