An Inclusive Playground for Shelton Elementary

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Shelton Elementary PTSA
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2024-25 is Shelton's 30th Anniversary. To celebrate, we will break ground on a new playground.


raised by 29 people

$150,000 goal

18 days left

Update #3

Update posted 1 month ago
Thank you, City of Golden! We were awarded a City of Golden Thriving Communities Capital Grant for $65,000. 

We will celebrate Shelton Elementary's 30th anniversary by breaking ground on a new 'big kid' playground in the summer of 2025! We have raised nearly $82,000 toward the playground improvement project, and have some outstanding grant proposals that, if awarded to Shelton, will add to this total.  

Our goal is to create an inclusive playground for all students and the surrounding community. We will be able to vastly improve the design and play elements with additional funding. Additional funding will allow us to add more sensory elements to our design, more poured surfacing for students with mobility challenges, and additional inclusive play elements that encourage group play. Please consider donating to support our efforts. 

An initial design rendering with ADA approved engineered wood fiber surfacing.

Our Story: Shelton Elementary School is the neighborhood public elementary school located in the Heritage Dells community in southern Golden. The Hal and Mary Shelton PTSA works collaboratively with Shelton's administrators, teachers, families, students, and the broader community to advance the school’s mission: To equip and inspire students to be active and engaged citizens in a diverse and changing world. Shelton serves 389 students from Pre-K through 5th grade. The student body consists primarily of families from nearby neighborhoods, reflecting a range of socioeconomic backgrounds. Heritage Dells, Golden Ridge, Golden Terrace, Lakota Ridge, and Dakota Ridge RV Park are all within walking distance of the school grounds. 

We are building an inclusive playground with accessible surfaces and equipment designed for all students, including those with mobility challenges and sensory differences. An inclusive playground does not currently exist within our community, and we think the grounds at Shelton are an ideal location for two key reasons: 1) Our existing ‘big kid’ playground for students in grades 1-5 is the original equipment from 1994, and 2) Shelton Elementary School has an ASD center program for students on the Autism Spectrum, and serves a greater proportion of children with sensory differences. 

Our plan aligns with the community values outlined in the City of Golden's Golden Vision 2030 by offering a convenient, walkable opportunity for accessible active outdoor experiences for families in the south Golden neighborhoods. Moreover, we believe that an inclusive playground represents our community’s commitment to social equity and the fundamental right of every child to play. By intentionally designing a playground that will enrich the play experience for all, we will be able to support the diverse needs of our whole community, who have been fundraising to support this project since 2020.

Visit our Webpage to learn more:

We need the support of the community in construction, design, funding, and time to make this possible. 

Giving Activity


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