Word of Thanks - Next with Kyle Clark Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Special Olympics Colorado

Thanks for supporting Special Olympics CO on Youth Sports Giving Day!


raised by 434 people

$40,000 goal

1 year left

Thank you to the viewers and supporters of Next with Kyle Clark for joining the Inclusion Revolution!! 

Join me in supporting Special Olympics Colorado this Colorado Youth Sports Giving Day!


Organized sports play a vital role in shaping the lives of kids, and Colorado Youth Sports Giving Day is an opportunity for all Coloradans to help our youth thrive. 

Colorado Youth Sports Giving Day is a collaborative effort between the Aspen Institute Project Play, Daniels Fund and hundreds of nonprofit organizations supporting youth sports throughout the state. Although the campaign kicks off on Sept. 4, donations can be made throughout the month of September. Through this campaign, Special Olympics Colorado can raise essential funds to get more kids playing sports!

About Special Olympics Colorado

The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.

Support youth through Unified Champion Schools 

Through our Unified Champion Schools programming, Special Olympics Colorado is creating inclusive and welcoming schools for everyone. Currently Special Olympics CO partners with close to 700 schools, annually impacting more than 500,000 students!

Unified Champion Schools is a program for schools Pre-K through university that intentionally promotes meaningful social inclusion by bringing together students with and without intellectual disabilities to create accepting school environments, utilizing three interconnected components: Special Olympics Unified Sports®, inclusive youth leadership, and whole school engagement.

The Unified Champion Schools approach empowers students to be change agents in their communities.

Thanks to the Daniels Fund, Weld Trust, Denver Broncos Foundation, Alpine Bank, Rose Community Foundation, Strohm Link Family Foundation for their support!

*Dollar-for-Dollar Match Update: The original $1 million in matching funds has been expended, but due to the enthusiasm for supporting youth sports, the Daniels Fund has added an additional incentive fund of $500,000. This fund will be distributed on a percentage basis to ensure every gift made through September 30 continues to make an impact. Let’s keep the momentum going!

$5: Supports the purchase of sports equipment such as basketballs and footballs

$50: Funds a new basketball uniform for one student

$265: Allows one athlete to train, participate and compete in sports, leadership and health programming for one year

$2,500: Creates an inclusive and welcoming school for ALL students by implementing the Unified Champion Schools strategies in one school

In Unified Champion Schools across the state, school environments of acceptance and tolerance are becoming the standard. Unified Champion School liaisons at every education level (elementary, middle, or high school) report that the UCS program:

  • Creates a more socially inclusive school climate and raises awareness about students with ID (95%)
  • Increases opportunities for students with and without ID to work together (94%)
  • Reduces bullying, teasing, and offensive language (94%).

Giving Activity


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