Bring it Home: Affordable Housing in Jeffco

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Colorado Gives Foundation
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Together, we can bring affordable housing to Jeffco.


raised by 32 people

$500,000 goal

1 year left

Every dollar makes a difference, whether it’s $25 or $10,000. Donate any amount and it will be pooled to invest and support affordable housing in Jeffco

At the heart of our community lies the importance of housing. It provides a sense of safety, security, and well-being, but for many hard-working people in Jefferson County such as our teachers, nurses, firefighters, librarians, police officers, and dedicated nonprofit employees face the challenge of being unable to afford to live near where they work.  

To help bridge this gap, Colorado Gives Foundation created the Bring it Home fund and seeded it with $15 million to invest in Jeffco housing by providing low-cost capital to create and maintain affordable housing for people earning $52,000 to $150,000, depending on family size.  

It’s a big problem that takes time, and no one person or organization can tackle alone. Together, we can change this. 

Want to do even more?

Open a Donor Advised Fund. With a $25,000 minimum contribution, you can open a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) and select the Bring it Home Fund as the investment option. DAF funding is pooled in the Bring it Home Fund for greater impact. The Bring it Home Fund was created to provide a modest return. Any earnings from the Bring it Home Fund will be returned to your DAF. You, as the advisor on the DAF, can then recommend support for other causes and/or organizations you care about.

Learn more about our work.

Contact or call 720.898.5900.

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