Sponsor Splash

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Right Step, Inc.
Fundraiser image

Thank you for supporting Splash's care!


raised by 9 people

22 years left

Sponsoring a horse is a great way to support the work of The Right Step. If you would like to sponsor Splash, follow these instructions:
-Click the "Donate Now" button
-Select recurring donation.
-Enter the donation level you would like to donate each month.

Thank you for considering sponsoring Splash! We could not do the work we do without generous donors like yourself.

Some of the important costs that your sponsorship covers are:
Much, much more!

You can help support our horses for as little as $35 a month. Check out the options below and start sponsoring Splash today!

$35 per month:
You will receive a sponsorship certificate and a picture of your Splash.
Highlighted on our website and your Splash's stall as a sponsor!
$55 per month:
You will receive a sponsorship certificate and a picture of Splash.
Highlighted on our website and your horse's stall as a sponsor!
Receive a TRS logo item.
$75 per month:
You will receive a sponsorship certificate and a picture of Splash.
Highlighted on our website and your Splash's stall as a sponsor!
Mentioned in our Newsletter.
Receive a TRS logo item.
Personal meet and greet with Splash.

This fundraiser supports

organization image

The Right Step, Inc.

Organized By Janice Anglim

Giving Activity


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