DOL - Denim Day
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Colorado Coalition Against Sexual AssaultJoin the DOL in its annual support of CCASA. Make a donation and wear Denim on 26th!!
raised by 61 people
$1,500 goal
Since 2013, the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA) has hosted Colorado Denim Day in order to raise awareness about sexual assault, show support for survivors, and unite communities across Colorado in taking a stand against sexual violence. The Department of Law is excited to again be participating in Denim Day on April 26th! The concept is easy: wear denim (or dress your human or furry kids in denim) on April 26th and donate as little as $5 to CCASA. Every donation raised goes directly to supporting survivors and creating change statewide.
On April 26th, rock your denim at home or in the office!! Be creative – throw on a jean jacket/shirt, tie a denim bandana on your furry co-workers, or show off your jegging/pajamas - then take a picture! You can send the picture to me directly and, if you like, send a copy Kathy Holland at to display on the CCASA website. I will collect all the DOL pictures to share with everyone! We will also organize an in-office picture for those in the office that day.