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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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Help survivors of Intimate Partner and Domestic Violence find Financial Freedom!


raised by 0 people

$2,000 goal

2 months left

Why Am I Asking You To Donate? 

My Story

I am Dr. Savannah Jones, a Chiropractor in Denver and a Domestic Violence Survivor. My parents married in 1991 and I was born 3 years later. My father became violent around the time they were married. Over ten years, he physically, verbally, and mentally abused my mother. He was physically and mentally abusive to me until I was an adult. 

Many ask why my mother did not leave and the answer is directly linked to my support of Undestructable - my father systematically kept my mother tethered to him as means of control. She, like 99% of survivors, experienced economic abuse which makes it difficult and even impossible at times to leave. 

I believe that this experience is what led me to become a healthcare provider because our healthcare providers were often the only people who knew what was happening in our home. It encouraged me to believe in the power of connection between people and the ability of the human mind, body, and spirit to survive. 

Undestructable is helping them thrive. 

Why Undestructable?

I became involved with this organization because I fully support and believe in their mission to help survivors find financial freedom and independence. Undestructable is teaching survivors to hone their natural abilities and valuable computer skills while also helping them create resumes and interview skills. This program helps them apply for and land jobs and careers in field of interest to them that have benefits and equitable pay. 


As many as 60% of folks experiencing IPV will lose their jobs due to reasons linked to their abuse.

Folks experiencing intimate partner abuse lose a combine total of 8 million paid days of work annually, equal to 

$104,000 is the average cost to survivors over the course of the abuse inflicted upon them.

99% of survivors experience economic abuse compounded with other forms of violence.

Donate Now!

Please help me support Undestructable by making a donation through my page. The process is fast, easy, secure, AND tax deductible. Thanks so much for your support... and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in joining OR donating!  SHARING is also a great way to support Undestructable.

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Organized By Savannah Jones

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