Healthy Air, Land And Water for All of Us!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Conservation Colorado Education Fund
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raised by 3 people

$5,000 goal

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Conservation Colorado Education Fund’s mission is to protect Colorado's climate, air, land, water, and communities through organizing, advocacy, and education.

They are the largest statewide environmental organization, with offices in Denver, Grand Junction, Durango, and Carbondale. For over 50 years, they have been a recognized leader in the Colorado environmental community, working statewide to ensure that our quality of life and our environment are protected.

Growing up poor in Colorado, my family had limited resources to spend on vacations or outings. So our family’s primary means of being together were camping, cooking, feasting and being in each other's company usually at a national park, especially near a river, somewhere along the front range, after a long day of tubing, sunbathing or just enjoying the wildernest. Boulder, Morison, Golden, Conifer, Colorado Springs, Lyons or Ft. Collins, these were the places I made memories near a stream with my family and it's why I care about the care and protection of our public lands and water. I want to encourage others to join me in my fight to protect and conserve our parks and natural spaces by making a meaningful donation to Conservation Colorado. Commit to giving this year and learn more about what you can do to protect and conserve our public lands.


Al crecer en la pobreza en Colorado, mi familia tenía recursos limitados para gastar en vacaciones o salidas. Así que los principales medios de nuestra familia para estar juntos eran acampar, cocinar, festejar y estar en compañía de los demás, generalmente en un parque nacional, especialmente cerca de un río, en algún lugar a lo largo de la cordillera frontal, después de un largo día de andar en la agua, tomando el sol o simplemente disfrutando de la naturaleza. Boulder, Morison, Golden, Conifer, Colorado Springs, Lyons o Ft. Collins, estos fueron los lugares donde hice recuerdos cerca de un arroyo con mi familia y es por eso que me preocupo por el cuidado y la protección de nuestras tierras y aguas públicas. Quiero animar a otros a unirse a mí en mi lucha para proteger y conservar nuestros parques y espacios naturales haciendo una donación significativa a Conservation Colorado. Comprométete a dar este año y aprende más sobre lo que puedes hacer para proteger y conservar nuestras tierras públicas.

This fundraiser supports

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Conservation Colorado Education Fund

Organized By Victor Galvan

Giving Activity


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