A little hope

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Love for Lily
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It only takes a little to make a big difference! Asking friends & family to consider $5 for hope


raised by 12 people

$1,000 goal

I often say that Love for Lily began with one spark from our girl and our work is fueled by sparks from so many others. I think this is the definition of hope.  Showing up and sitting in the puddle, holding hands when things feel impossible, and celebrating all the tiny victories that remind us that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

My heart is full of gratitude. 

This season, #givingtuesday, #coloradogivesday, all the holidays... we are asking our friends and family if they would consider giving $5 instead of buying a coffee today? Or, in lieu of exchanging gifts, would you consider a donation? You see it doesn’t take much. I realized if everyone of my Facebook friends gave five dollars, we would have raised over $5,000. 

If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Maybe today isn’t the day you can make a donation but I wonder if you can share this fundraiser,  share your story, share what brings you hope? What does community look like to you? 

With love and gratitude 


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