The TaSCA Project's Final Push

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The InteRoots Initiative
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Tall Paul is a board member of InteRoots Initiative and we're raising funds for the TaSCA Project!


raised by 0 people

$2,500 goal


Over the past four years, The InteRoots Initiative and the community of Kasasa, Uganda have worked closely to bring the community's vision of the Tat Sat Community Academy (TaSCA) to life. This initiative has seen great success in its initial stages with the construction and commencement of activities for the following entities:

- An accredited secondary school with over 300 students and counting enrolled and boarded to date;

- An active credit union serving students and the wider Kasasa/Kyotera region;

 - A community-owned maize mill with revenue supporting the school, local farmers, and other activities;

- An Institute of Indigenous Culture and Performing Arts with programming and training integrated into the school's standard curriculum and taught by elders;

 - A health clinic (soon to be completed) that will serve students and the community-at-large, as well as provide educational opportunities for students interested in medicine.

Together, these entities create an ecosystem of services designed to be self-sustaining after start-up costs are met. Already, the project has proven to be financially efficient, socially relevant, and accountable. If you are interested in a more in-depth overview, take a look at this report we released earlier this year! Now, TaSCA is stabilizing and testing its systems - it is poised to take the step into self-sufficiency next year. We need your help on this final push!

We are grateful for the support of so many supporters through Colorado Gives Day and other platforms over these past few years. Will you join us in the final push to see TaSCA take root? Donations given through Colorado Gives Day will directly support crucial needs such as academic materials, food and medical care for students, teacher salaries, and many more operational necessities that will be self-funded in the years to come. 

Join us on TaSCA's final push!

This fundraiser supports

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The InteRoots Initiative

Organized By Tall Paul

Giving Activity


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