Yampatika - Environmental Education at Work

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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Steamboat's environmental education nonprofit is seeking your donation as part of Colorado Gives Day


raised by 16 people

Thank you donors!

Update posted 2 years ago

Thank you to the donors so far who have given to Yampatika! 

I am working on the board for Yampatika, who offers environmental education to youth and the community.  As we face environmental stressors, the services Yampatika provides are critically important to the future of our planet. 

I ask you to consider donating to Yampatika this holiday season. It is a small organization operating on a shoestring budget and every dollar goes a long way. This year we have the ambitious goal of trying to raise $50,000 before the year is out. 

This fundraiser supports

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Organized By Morgan Bast

Giving Activity


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