Yampatika - Environmental Education at Work

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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Steamboat's environmental education nonprofit is seeking your donation as part of Colorado Gives Day


raised by 24 people

$3,000 goal

2024 CO Gives Day - Let's Go!

Update posted 4 months ago
It's 2024 and we have less than a month to ramp up support for Yampatika through Colorado Gives Day. If you donate now - your donation will be matched by our board (which includes myself!), furthering your gift. Consider the time now! 

Do you support the environment? What about children's education? Well, Yampatika serves those needs in Northwest Colorado in a fantastic way. It's an incredible organization focused on environmental education to youth and the community.  As we face environmental stressors, the services Yampatika provides are critically important to the future of our planet. 

I'm lucky to serve as the President of the board of Yampatika, and we are working on 7 critical strategies in a 5-year plan - focused on school programs, out-of-school programs, adult programs, financial stability, staff health and development, and a new facility. 

Would you considering donating to Yampatika?  It is a small organization operating on a shoestring budget and every dollar goes a long way. This year we have the ambitious goal of trying to raise $50,000 before the year is out. 

Be sure to select "Summer Camps at Legacy Ranch" if you file taxes in Colorado and want to obtain a Colorado Child Care Tax deduction. You will receive a 50% tax deduction against your CO tax liability (i.e., if you donate $1,000, you will get a $500 tax credit!). This is in addition to any federal tax deduction you may get, depending on how you file. For those who file taxes in CO, this is an INCREDIBLE incentive and makes your support even more affordable =)

This fundraiser supports

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Organized By Morgan Bast

Giving Activity


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