Defending democracy here, defends it everywhere!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Colorado Common Cause
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When you support Common Cause & defend democracy here, you're defending democracy around the world.


raised by 6 people

$1,000 goal

When you support Common Cause & defend democracy here in Colorado, you're defending democracy around the country and around the world! Colorado is a model in defending democracy among the 50 states, and the U.S. has been the model for democracies around the world for 2-1/2 centuries.  However, democracy here and democracies around the world are under attack.  Democracy needs our participation like never before.

The CGD Foundation is matching all new recurring donations to Colorado Common Cause up to $100, and Roxy and I are matching the first $500 of your one-time or recurring donations dollar-for-dollar.  

I was invited to join the board in 2011, was honored to serve as the Board Chair for Colorado Common Cause for 4 years through Sept. 2020 and remain a board member today. I have devoted my professional life to help build and maintain public trust and confidence in government. And building trust and confidence, in that nutshell, is the mission of Common Cause.

Common Cause is fighting to create open, honest, and accountable government that serves the public interest rather than the special interests; promote equal rights, opportunity, and representation for all; strengthen public participation, and empower all people to make their voices heard in the political process. 

In this spirit, we serve as an independent voice for change and a watchdog against corruption and abuse of power. This is why I joined the board of Colorado Common Cause over 10 years ago, and why I am proud and honored to continue to serve on that board at such a critical time in the defense of our democracy.

This fundraiser supports

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Colorado Common Cause

Organized By JEFF HART

Giving Activity


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