Caring for Anyone & Everyone in Need
$678 Raised
$267,478 raised by 912 donors
100% complete
$0 Goal
Thank you for supporting Aurora Mental Health & Recovery (AMHR). Our mission as a non-profit community mental health organization is deeply rooted in our diverse community, delivering state-of-the art care impacting emotional well-being and addiction recovery services. AMHR's vision is to foster hope and healing through compassionate, quality care. This year, please help us keep community mental healthcare accessible and strong in Colorado.
"Before I came to [Aurora Mental Health & Recovery], I was in and out of the hospital every three or four months. I have a son who, at the times, was about nine years old. I was a single parent and when I came to the Center, I had been in the hospital for about a month. I was pretty hopeless. I really didn't see any future for myself. When I came to the Center I got a new therapist and joined a support group. I have gained joint custody of my son with the help of my therapist, and have started making the road back to a meaningful life. It is so different now. I have had a job for 2 12 years. I am a social worker and giving back. I basically have a productive and meaningful life that I didn't have before." -Susan
Deeply rooted in our diverse community, we deliver state-of-the-art care impacting emotional well-being and addiction recovery.
Aurora Mental Health & Recovery (AMHR) is a private, 501 (c)(3) nonprofit community mental health organization that opened in 1975 to serve the city of Aurora. AMHR is state-licensed to provide mental health and substance abuse services. It was the winner of the 2010 Eli Lilly Award for Clinical Medicine, has won the annual, national, Alfred P. Sloan Award for Excellence in Workplace Effectiveness and Flexibility for four consecutive years and in 2014 won the Colorado Behavioral Health Council's Golden Light Bulb Award for best new program for its Aurora Youth Options program.
Organization name
Aurora Mental Health & Recovery
other names
AMHR, Aurora Mental Health Center, AuMHC, Aurora Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center
Tax id (EIN)
Mental Health & Crisis Intervention
Organization Size
Large Organization
1290 Chambers RoadAdams County, CO, US
Arapahoe County, CO, US