STEM Gives! to benefit STEM School Highlands Ranch

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Foundation for Douglas County Schools

Easily fulfill your volunteer commitment and support STEM School Highlands Ranch!


raised by 7 people

$75,000 goal


Dear Families and Friends of STEM School Highlands Ranch,

STEM Gives! is the easiest fundraiser you've ever done and it only takes a minute.

$75,000 goal
Our goal is to raise $75,000 for STEM School Highlands Ranch. 100% of the money is used to support our school. Your contribution is not split with any fundraising vendors and you don't have to help your child sell anything!

$200 per family or $20 per month
We are suggesting that every STEM family donate $200 one time or about $20 per month. STEM PTO is a chapter of the Foundation for Douglas County Schools which is a 501(c)3 organization so your donation is 100% tax deductible. Friends and family can make donations as well.

You can give a one time or a monthly donation with your credit card, debit card or through your bank account. If you prefer to mail a check, please email to find out how.

Where does the money go?
100% of funds raised from this campaign go directly to STEM PTO for the support of STEM School Highlands Ranch. The funds will provide classroom enrichment through our teacher's grants and help fund many other requests by our STEM School.

Investing in your children's future…
We know you get solicitations from many worthy nonprofits. This is the only one that directly affects the education of your children. As parents, we invest in our children's future every day. Financially investing in their education can help pave their way to a successful path in life.

Corporate match...
You can double your donation! As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, STEM PTO is a chapter of the Foundation for Douglas County Schools and qualifies for corporate matching. If your company matches donations, use this Tax ID number: 84-1165175 and please email us at with the employee name, company name and the amount so that we can track the corporate match.

Thank you for taking a minute to ensure STEM School Highlands Ranch continues to be an exceptional school.

For every $20 donation, you can count it towards your volunteer hours for the school. STEM's volunteer policy is: $20 = 1 hour volunteer time. *

To learn more about STEM School Highlands Ranch please visit For more about STEM PTO, please see

Questions? Contact STEM Gives! Co-Chairs: Laura Wyse and Shannon Owens at

STEM PTO is proud to be an affiliate chapter of the Douglas County Education Foundation (DCEF).

*Our school has a volunteer charter that requires a commitment of 30 volunteer hours per family (15 hours per single-parent family). For every $20 donation, you can count it towards your volunteer hours for the school. STEM's volunteer policy is: $20 = 1 hour volunteer time. You may want to consider keeping your life simple and fulfilling all your volunteer hours now easily by donating $600 and receiving the benefits of being a STEM Gives! DNA Sponsor! Remember that you cannot deduct this type of donation on your taxes if you claim them as volunteer hours since a benefit is being received. If no benefits are received, the amount you donate is all tax-deductible.


For "Where do you want your donation directed?" you can indicate "Other" or "Nonprofit's Discretion". Don't worry, the funds will go to STEM School Highlands Ranch either way from the STEM PTO.


STEM PTO 2019 STEM Gives! Fundraising Goal: $75,000


STEM PTO (aka STEM Educational Partnership) is a chapter of the Foundation for Douglas County Schools which is a 501(c)3 organization.

Thank you for your support!

Giving Activity


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