Feed People, Build Stronger Communities
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
The LoVVe ProjectSharing fresh, nutritious food is one of the simplest yet impactful ways to build community.
raised by 2 people
$100,000 goal
Help us create a world in which no one goes hungry and people care about each other.
2024 has presented new challenges to the City of Denver, impacting schools with record high enrollment levels and food support programs like ours seeing a dramatic increase in need for fresh, nutritious food.
We rose to this challenge by adding an another community - McMeen Elementary School - to our program. Combined with our weekly services at Ellis Elementary School, we now serve 367 families/1600 invidividuals each month.
This represents an increase of 108% in just one year.
Our Impact to families goes beyond addressing hunger
The boxes of produce, meat, and dairy supplies creates financial and emotional stability for families.
One child recently told us, "Tuesdays are my favorite day, because I know my mom will be able to cook a really good dinner." The office manager of Ellis Elementary School has told us that attendance rates have improved overall, and are epecially high on on free market days.
We have many caring people, but funds are in short supply
What we've achieved with the support of our volunteer family is nothing short of remarkable. On a weekly basis, 20 volunteers spend 25 hours picking up and delivering food, sharing food at our pop-up markets at school, and enrolling new families in need of support.
What we need now is strong and generous support from our community to meet The LoVVe Project's $100,000 fundraising goal.
Giving consistently through reoccuring donations of any amount is the most generous offer you can make, because it gives us predictable income that enables strategic planning for the year ahead.
Your contribution goes beyond feeding people. It spreads a message of hope and love to the rest of the world.
On behalf of The LoVVe Project families, we thank you for your generosity.
With gratitude,
Pamela Walshe
Founder & Executive Director