Educate & Empower Young Women in Rural Nepal

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Bahini Education Project
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Together, we are educating and empowering young women to become confident leaders and inspire others


raised by 16 people

$2,000 goal

Empowering Bahinis Through Education.

We believe in the transformative power of education. We believe that young women can be confident leaders and inspire change. 

Bahini’s meaning: In Nepali, Bahini means “younger sister”. It symbolizes the spirit of sisterhood and support that defines our commitment to the empowerment of young women. Through education, we aim to uplift and empower bahinis, nurturing their confidence and leadership potential. 

Our approach: We focus on improving the retention rates of female students in grades 9 to 12 in Parbat, Nepal. Beyond academic support, we provide financial assistance and mentorship throughout secondary school and college. By addressing financial barriers, we open doors for these young women to pursue higher education, empowering them to become catalysts for change in their communities.


  • Enhanced Retention Rates: We strive to improve the retention rates of female students in grades 9 to 12.
  • Empowerment Programs: Our initiatives go beyond academics, fostering youth empowerment through skill-building activities.
  • Community Leaders: We aim to prepare marginalized girls in remote areas to become responsible leaders through comprehensive support.

Building Relationships: We understand that lasting change requires consistent, long-term efforts. That's why we build relationships not only with the bahinis but also with their families and schools. Our approach is holistic, aiming to create a support system that extends far beyond the classroom.

Call-to-Action: Join us in this pursuit of education, empowerment, and lasting change. Your support will directly contribute to creating opportunities for young women in rural Nepal!

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