Colorado Springs for Tennyson Center 2024

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Tennyson Center for Children

Please join the Colorado Springs area in supporting Tennyson Center for Children with a gift today.


raised by 6 people

$6,000 goal

Every child deserves to feel loved, safe, and successful. That is why Tennyson provides compassionate care and treatment for kids and families who have been impacted by neglect, abuse, and other traumatic experiences. Our therapists work directly with kids 0-18 across Colorado. We also run a fully accredited K-12 school where kids receive therapy and an education all under one roof to ensure their social, emotional, and behavioral learning. Tennyson Center for Children offers residential services for youth who qualify for the Children’s Habilitation Residential Program (CHRP) Waiver. The CHRP Waiver provides services for children and youth who have an intellectual or developmental disability. Their needs for support put them at risk of, or in need of, out-of-home placement. The programming utilizes interventions focused on areas of therapy, education, health, recreation, spiritual growth, social skill development, independent living skills, and healthy relationships.

Here in Colorado Springs, kids and families are supported by therapists who visit the homes of children facing these issues and work with the entire family. 

Please consider giving to Colorado Gives Day to support Tennyson Center for Children. This fundraiser will be in place of a dinner, allowing the gifts to go much further in support of kids and families. The Colorado Gives Incentive Fund supplements our donations in proportion to how much money is raised. There is also matching gift of $3,000 for Colorado Springs donations!

Giving Activity


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