2025 Easter Sunrise Service at Red Rocks

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Colorado Council of Churches
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Please support the 78th Annual Easter Sunrise Service at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado!


raised by 6 people

$35,000 goal

1 month left

In 2025, the Colorado Council of Churches will host the annual Easter Sunrise Service at Red Rocks Amphitheatre. 

It takes considerable resources to do this free community event, and we primarily rely on donations to cover our costs. Some of the expenses include:

--Renting the Red Rocks Amphitheatre venue;

--Cover the labor costs of the amazing Denver Arts & Venue staff;

--Law enforcement to handle traffic and keep us safe;

--Providing the livestream that is watched from thousands of people, including some internationally:

--Providing the doves that we release at the end of the service.

We've been proud to host this unique Colorado tradition for the past 77 YEARS! Thanks to our generous donors, we've been able to make this a FREE EVENT THAT IS OPEN TO ALL. 

We'd love your help keeping this wonderful tradition alive.

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