Invest in Bodily Autonomy & Reproductive Justice!
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Colorado Doula Project13 donors
raised $730
27 donor goal
The amazing CDP team has been BUSY providing financial, logistical, and emotional support to people seeking abortions in Colorado and rising to the challenge of navigating the aftermath of the Dobbs decision this summer. We are SO immensely grateful for the support the community has shown us thus far--can you join me in supporting Colorado Doula Project's work with a monthly donation (big or small) to help sustain this work going forward?
As time goes on, public attention may start to fade but the need to support people accessing reproductive health care with the biggest barriers, especially abortion seekers, is only likely to grow. The path to realizing reproductive justice (of which abortion access is one critical part) and building a world where everyone can choose whether or not to have children and be able to thrive and fulfill their dreams will be long. CDP needs reliable income and continued support from the community to continue working towards this goal! Will you help me get 27 monthly donors (it can be $5 or $10 or whatever you can manage) for my 27th birthday? Thank you for standing up for reproductive justice and bodily autonomy!