Mental Health and Wellness for Youth and Families

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Muslim Youth for Positive Impact

MYPI focuses on mental health awareness, building social connection and access to services


raised by 0 people

$5,000 goal

In 2024, the MYPI Wellness Program offered:

  1. Counseling services for youth and families
    1.  12 free sessions for youth and 8 free sessions for parents.
  2. A referral network of vetted culturally-competent professional Muslim providers
  3. Intervention and first aid by trained Imams and community leaders
  4. Community education in collaboration with local partners for both youth and parents including topics: 


27 Cities reached in 2023, compared to 17 in 2022

1148 Participants at 32 educational sessions

2,900+ Participants total in Mental Wellness events and services

77% of the MYPI community would talk to a therapist in 2023 compared to 25% in 2022

1890 Youth participants (65% of total)


“Because of MYPI breaking barriers for me, I finally tried therapy at age 33.” 

“I finally brokethe stigma and barrier that was holding me from experiencing therapy, and it helped me tremendously. Now I tell everyone I do it and they can do it.”

Giving Activity


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