SPRS Roundhouse Capitol Acquisition Fund
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
South Park Rail SocietyWithin two years we need to raise $400,00 for the purchase of this precious Roundhouse.
raised by 13 people
$400,000 goal
2 years left
The South Park Rail Society, an all-volunteer non-profit organization, has been developing through restoration and preservation efforts an historical heritage narrow gauge railroad facility in Como Colorado. The Heritage Site includes an historic Roundhouse, the oldest operating Roundhouse in the United States, with operating turntable, a restored Historic Depot and working on a future Railroad Hotel. Volunteers have constructed railroad track, restored historic railroad cars, restored railroad facilities and are working to restore a Steam Engine back to operation.
The Roundhouse is currently owned by a very supportive private couple and the intent is to purchase the Roundhouse and to transfer ownership into the non-profit South Park Rail Society to preserve into prosperity for generations to appreciate and experience an operating railroad Heritage Site.
We are pursuing funding from Historical Grants, Grant Foundations, Contributions and Fund raising.