A Trailer of Our Own!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Coral Acres Wellness Sanctuary
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Can you spare five minutes to help horses and humans in Colorado?


raised by 0 people

$2,500 goal

You may be wondering why I am supporting a horse rescue this year. Well, I've recently become the guardian of two wonderful rescued donkeys which has led me to sit on the board of one of Colorado's newest nonprofits. It is an honor to serve as the first Treasurer of the Board for Coral Acres Wellness Sanctuary. 

I am passionate about the success of CAWS because I firmly believe this nonprofit will provide a much needed sanctuary for the unwanted horses that fall through the cracks, while offering a community space for anyone in need. 

Our first goal is to purchase a truck and horse trailer so that we can begin utilizing the team's skills to transport horses in need across the state (and more!). This is the first step for CAWS to begin making a tangible impact in the equine community! Help us get there! 

This fundraiser supports

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Coral Acres Wellness Sanctuary

Organized By Jason Kaiser

Giving Activity


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